
Secure Your Passwords and Data

I run an online business. And have many unique passwords that need high security. My tool of choice for many years was LastPass. You may know bad guys hacked the LastPass cloud databank. I cannot take a chance that anyone on the black web has access to my many business accounts. I cancelled LastPass. And deleted all references to it from my system. Now I use Keeper. If you have more than a few passwords, sign up for Keeper. Then you need to remember only one master password. I have complete confidence in Keeper to protect my passwords and stay safe online.

This 44-Year-Old is Earning +$140k/Month Selling Agency and Marketplace SEO Services

When Chris Walker stumbled on affiliate marketing and SEO, he wasted no time learning the ropes. Today he\'s earning +140k/month. Find out how. I share articles like this to help you develop and sustain an online busiess. I receive no financial consideration for sharing. Joe Aro

One Thing From Tony Robbins

I seek inspiration each day. Living in this \"who do you trust world\" is a challenge. And recovering from near death Covid-19 implications takes a lot out of me. Thanks to the Internet, which I\'ve been using since the 1980s, I communicate with friends around the world. And I draw strength from people I\'ve never met. People like Tony Robbins have my back. I wish you many inspirational opportunities. Perhaps this article is one.

HP Instant Ink

I don\'t print many pages. A friend suggested HP Instant Ink. HP monitors my printer online and ships ink cartridges before I need them. I never run out. I pay only $1 or so each month. The cartridges never dry out. Use this link and get 3 months free.

7 Reasons Why Smart, Hardworking People Don’t Become Successful | by Melissa Chu | Medium

7 Reasons Why Smart, Hardworking People Don’t Become Successful. For the longest time, I believed that if smart people worked hard and grew up in a reasonably nurturing environment, success would come….

Webinar - Global Outlook: One Year Into the Ukraine War

Peter Zeihan is my go-to guy for global economics. He explains how world events affect economies. And provides common sense insight on what we need to know to understand misleading headlines and news report. Peter\'s a bit of a futurist. He connects dots we rarely consider. An example is how China\'s one child policy is partly responsible for that nation\'s economic woes. When you have facts on your side it is easier to keep our government accountable.

Email Marketing is Alive and Well

You don\'t need a massive list for effective email marketing campaigns. Think of the numbers this way. If you have less than 500 names on your list and make 3 sales a day. And the commission is $20 per sale. You\'ve earned $60 that day. That\'s $21,900 earned in a year. Even with a smaller list and lower commission you can make meaningful money. The key is working the list of buyers. Its easy to get a list of thousands. But those big lists are not filled with buyers. Click on the link and learn how to build and work a list of buyers.